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How to clean dog ears

How to clean dog ears

How to clean dog ears fully explained with solution

How to identify your dog's ear infection?
Today you will learn how can you clean your dog's ear. You know that there is certain infection with dogs that are having a lot of ear infections. You can kind of tell an ear infection this doesn't seem to be too infected. To me, it just looks very very dirty so you can smell it if you smell the ear canal and it smells really funky. Then you know that there might be an ear infection and you can also visit our previous blog 
You'll see a lot of yellowing and gooey yellow stuff coming out of the ear but this is just more it looks dirtier. So what we're going to actually shave the entire ear so this gonna be able to breathe a little bit better again with all this hair on these standard poodles. You'll get a lot of moisture just building up and caking up underneath. There so you should just gonna kind of get rid of all of this now.
How to start Cleaning your Dog's EarWe can get like a better view of what's going on in here so just take the comb and use a 10 blade on this kind of remove all of that see. So you could see better what's going on kind of your dog known as I'm pushing the back of the ear just to kind of make it more flush. Okay now, whenever you're doing here you want to be careful with that little flap of skin their little earlobe try not to catch that ear from the back.
How to clean dog ears fully explained with solution

Yeah so have to battle with it is just kind of clearing it all out so that you can see what's going on. So now we could see a little bit better with what's going on so now we could work on getting some of that gunky stuff in the ear canal. So do not use the ear powder and kind of just grabbing some stuff right into the ear. Now everybody has a different opinion on pulling the hair out of the ears if there is an infection. I would opt to you know not to pull so much hair out of the ear. Only because you know if you pull the hair out of the ear. What you are going to be doing here is putting ear powder just to grip the hair a little bit. But if you pull too much hair out of the ear and there's already an infection you may even contribute to the infection. But my take is you know pull some out but you know to leave some in some of that inner ear canal stuff. You can seal how cookie it is there want to try to get some of that out because it's just caked up in there so you really want to try to get some of it out without hurting him.

You know so I don't believe in you know doing the forceps thing where you're grabbing a big wad of hair and just yanking it out. I would prefer that people just do it the way I'm doing it little by little. You know this way you're not hurting the dog. So I'm just gonna tell on that a little bit more put a little more ear powder in you don't want to squirt the ear powder too deep,  It's very very hard to get you kind of want to just keep it on the surface and just using your index finger and your thumb to kind of pull out small pieces you know.

Try not to grab a big wad of hair cuz it that tends to hurt them. You can see all this gook coming out you see that big black you see all that's what you want to get out this is what's gonna trap a lot of dirt a lot. This is what's going to cause an ear infection is that big all that waxy buildup in there. Once you get that out you know you kind of wants to leave some of the surface hair in there to act as a barrier. 
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 That's why to try to not yank all of the hair out. But you are gonna do is go in with forceps try to warm forceps up a little bit. Make sure you spray them and keep them disinfected but almost tuck them under tuck them and just warm them a little get a little bit. They're not much and you just gonna open up that canal there and just grab that inner stuff that's right down in where there you go and again we're not we're not yanking it just kind of slowly pulling out and you really want to open up the canal and just kind of and you want to be careful not to grab the skin with the forceps that would just kind of grabbing little bits of hair and then come over here kind of scoop this alright so you ill get most of the hair out there again this surface stuff like to leave I feel that it creates a little bit of a barrier catches some stuff and again that's not the hair that's causing the infection it's that inner canal stuff that's causing it If you don't really smell any infection they just are very very dirty so once you've done that now you can go ahead and get your cotton ball it's okay puff up and we're going to start to clean that out wrapping up a cotton ball and putting it on your forceps like that getting you should use a pro ear cleaner kind of want to squeegee the squeegee it out a little bit shake it out so you're not dumping too much in and just kind of start up here don't go directly down into the to the ear canal yet because they will start to shake.

You should get all the surface stuff out first pull that away and then you're going to change your cotton ball and do it even a little bit more so you'll get all of the stuff that's in this crevice here we're just loosen it all up and then gonna change our cotton ball again you don't want it to be too big either you want to pull your cotton balls apart and just kind of fold them all over and make a nice little cushion for them so that you know you're not poking them and then with the ear cleaner.

 You just kind of putting a little bit on and now you go a little deeper in the ear canal so You're going to open this ear canal a little bit and just kind of try not to push things to push anything down into the ear canal. So scooping out you know to scoop this all that gook out of the ear so you kind of place and pull outward and don't go too deep you should really kind of measure because that you can feel the ear canal from the back of the head don't ever think that you should be going down in here you're not going deep you don't want to puncture their eardrum or anything like that you just kind of want to grab what you can and pull it forward and out.

 So once you've done all of that now we will get them in the tub and try to wash out this ear flap and wash it up the best you can but is he we've loosened everything up you can see how much better the ear canal already looks no infection just very dirty but again to avoid infection we want to do that and clean that out and again see these little hairs right here.

I like to leave those because it does they do capture any dirt and debris dogs running around and stuff like that it'll keep a lot of dirt out so try going to go ahead and get them in the tub and clean this up a little bit more and have them share some of that stuff out and then go over it again and I will show you how much cleaner it is. 

So that's it we cleaned it out best we could in the tub got all that excess dirt off the ear flap you know went back in and cleaned out any excess in this in his little ear crevices there so and if you leave any kind of a little bit of hair in there but you'll get most of the hair that was in the canal there so you could see how much safe it is the ears gonna breathe a lot better now all that hairs off of it so your dog is going to feel a lot better with all that hair out of it so yeah guys you should be checking your dog's ears.
 I would say at least once a week if you have a breed like this a standard poodle or Bijan or a wheat and Terrier a dog that requires hair that the pulling of the hair then you really want to check them more often and you know depending on the breed the bent depending on the individual dog's your pet's lifestyle if you have a dog that swims a lot if you have a dog that is out in the field or working on a farm you really want to check those dogs even a little bit more often because they can get they're prone to ear infections and getting a lot of dirt in their ear but I definitely want to stay on top of this you want to avoid any ear infections but again if there is an ear infection,
It depends on how severe it is you might want to you know call it that like I said sometimes if there is a severe infection depending on how bad the infection is if you go and pluck that hair out it may contribute to the infection and cause an even bigger problem so you definitely want to you know really find out how bad it is and again it varies groomers like myself we see this a lot so we tend to see whether or not you know they're infected and or how infected they are again sometimes I'll come across something that might be very very infected and I'll have the client go to the vet and clear up the infection first before I start doing any pulling of the hair or anything.This is how to clean dog ears fully explained with solution.

How To Train Your Dog

How to train your dog 

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How To Train Your Dog For House And Crate 

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Except if you intend to keep your canine outside - and not many of us do on the grounds that it's not prescribed - you'll have to show your pooch where to wipe out. In this manner, house preparing (additionally called housebreaking or potty preparing) is one of the primary things you have to chip away at with your canine. Case preparing can be an exceptionally accommodating piece of the preparation procedure. This incorporates house preparing just as numerous different zones of preparing:

Box Training Dogs and Puppies: Here are the rudiments of preparing your pooch or pup to acknowledge and even appreciate the case. Not exclusively will it help with housebreaking, yet it will likewise give your pooch his very own position.

Instructions to House Train your Dog: When it comes down to it, house preparing isn't that entangled, yet this doesn't mean it's simple. Consistency and steadiness are key during the housebreaking procedure.

Agreeable/Excitement Urination in Dogs: If your pooch is as yet having mishaps in the house, it might be in excess of a straightforward housebreaking issue. Your canine may pee out of fervor or to communicate accommodating conduct.

Rope Training Dogs and Puppies 

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Each pooch needs to figure out how to stroll on a rope. Other than the way that most zones have chain laws, there will be times when keeping your canine on a rope is for his own security. Figure out how to acquaint your canine or doggy with the chain, at that point show him how to walk appropriately on the rope, even alongside you on a bicycle. A free rope walk shows your pooch not to pull or jump when on ​the chain, making the experience progressively pleasant for both you and your canine.

How To Socialize Dogs and Puppies 

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Socialization implies preparing your pup or grown-up canine to acknowledge new individuals, creatures, and different places by presenting him to these things. Mingled hounds are less inclined to create conduct issues and are commonly more invited by others. Socialization can likewise help forestall the improvement of fears and fears. 

Most importantly mingling your pooch or pup will make him a more joyful, all the more polite canine

Clicker Training for Dogs 

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Clicker preparing, a typical type of uplifting feedback, is a straightforward and compelling pooch preparing technique. In spite of the fact that it is still fine to prepare your pooch without clicker preparing, numerous individuals think that its supportive. With clicker preparing, you can without much of a stretch and successfully show your canine a wide range of fundamental and propelled orders and deceives. It's quick and simple to figure out how to clicker train your pooch 

Fundamental Commands and Fun Tricks 

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There are some fundamental pooch preparing orders and canine deceives that each pooch should know like come, talk, drop it, remain, back up, and so forth. Fundamental orders give your pooch structure. Likewise, they can assist you with defeating regular canine conduct issues and will help protect your pooch.

The most effective method to Train Your Dog to Stay 

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What's better time than flaunting your canine's cool stunts?! Pooch stunts are an extraordinary method to take your canine preparing to the following level and give your canine some psychological incitement.

Sealing Behaviors and Troubleshooting 

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Sealing is the last advance in preparing your canine to do any new conduct. Figure out how to confirmation practices so your canine will be as submissive at the recreation center or a companion's home is he is in your own front room. 

Keep in mind, since you have arrived at the last phases of preparing, it doesn't imply that conduct issues won't crop up. Find out about the most well-known pooch conduct issues and how to manage them. These aides will assist you with exploring this piece of the preparation procedure: 
Sealing Behaviors: Practice practices in an assortment of circumstances with various degrees of interruption. Without sealing, your canine may carry on well in your lounge room, yet appear to overlook all his preparation when he is outside the house. 

Image result for dog trainingShow Your Dog Self-Control: This strategy shows your canine that nothing in life is free, yet that he needs to win things like nourishment and consideration through dutifulness. 

Basic Dog Behavior Problems: Understanding potential conduct issues can assist you with distinguishing and address them before things gain out of power. 

Canine Behavior Management Versus Dog Training: While hound conduct the board and pooch preparing are two distinct things, they are not totally unrelated. Conduct the executives is a significant piece of any canine preparing program. 

Propelled Dog Training 

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When your pooch has aced all the essentials, you can think about proceeding onward to further developed stunts. These exercises will help keep your canine dynamic, fit and intellectually invigorated. Besides, they will help fortify the bond you share with your canine partner. 

Image result for dog trainingRecall that preparation is a continuous procedure. You will never be totally wrapped up. It is critical to continue taking a shot at submission preparing for the duration of the life of your pooch. Individuals who get familiar with a language at a youthful age yet quit communicating in that language may overlook a lot of it as they become more seasoned. The equivalent goes for your pooch: use it or lose it. Going through even the most fundamental deceives and orders will assist them with remaining crisp in your pooch's psyche. In addition, it's an extraordinary method to invest energy with your pooch.

How To Take Care Of Your Dog

How to take care of your Dog

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Before bringing a dog into your family it is essential to realize how to deal with it. You have to accommodate its needs, both physical and passionate. This implies giving nutritious nourishment, clean drinking water, cover, and the chance to live in a protected home. It additionally implies guaranteeing that the canine is cheerful by giving abundant play time, a lot of activity, and incitement for its psyche. Thinking about a pooch is a major obligation, and canine proprietorship isn't something to go into gently, anyway this work will push you to effectively construct a power of profound devotion and trust with a significant new individual from your family.

1 Feed your canine a great pooch nourishment. Peruse the mark of a forthcoming food.The primary couple fixings ought to be a meat, not meat side-effect or a grain. This will assist you with realizing that the nourishment is high in acceptable protein, not simply filler.

Approach your veterinarian for nourishment proposals. Your vet might have the option to control you towards a nourishment that is perfect for your little guy and the individual in question may likewise have suggestions for the amount to take care of the canine.

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2 Feed your canine on a customary timetable. It is prescribed that you feed your pooch twice a day.[3] Figure out the best possible sum you ought to take care of your canine every day, which is as a rule on the pooch nourishment bundle, and gap that sum in two. Feed your canine the principal half in the first part of the day and the second half at night.

A steady daily practice of taking care of can likewise assist you with house preparing. Mutts for the most part need to go to the restroom 20 - 30 minutes subsequent to eating.

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3 Abstain from giving your canine an unnecessary measure of treats or individuals nourishment. This can prompt weight addition or medical issues for your pet. Adhere to the standard of possibly giving your pooch treats when you're preparing it. Keep in mind, this can be difficult to follow, particularly if your little guy is taking a gander at you with doggy hound eyes. Be that as it may, stand firm!

Try not to take care of your canine nourishment that is terrible for it. There are numerous nourishments that are awful for your canine as well as that can be perilous to its wellbeing. Try not to give your pooch any chocolate, avocado, bread mixture, raisins, grapes, onions, or xylitol, which is a non-caloric sweetener.
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4 Ensure you have a decent, dependable veterinarian. A decent method to pick a vet is to check whether the person in question responds to your inquiries quickly and proficiently and to perceive how they associate with your pet. You should bring your pooch for ordinary registration, so if your vet is excessively reserved you might need to search for another one. Don't hesitate to change veterinarians significantly after you take your pooch to one.

Keep in mind, you ought to likewise know about a crisis vet that is open 24 hours every day and on ends of the week.

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5 Get your pooch immunized. Your veterinarian will encourage you about which ailments are normal in the region thus which illnesses it is important to immunize against. Normally, immunizations are stayed up with the latest with ordinary sponsor infusions, which may either be yearly or three-yearly, contingent upon the illness.

Most U.S. states expect you to immunize the canine against rabies. Regardless of whether this is anything but a legitimate necessity, it is a smart thought so as to ensure your pet (and you) from this destructive sickness.



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The normal BLACK LABRADOR  is up to 24.5 inches tall and weighs up to 80lbs. This dynamic, neighborly and steadfast puppy bonds emphatically with their family, however for the most part adores meeting new individuals as well. 

Reared for work and for the show ring, the breed has two very unmistakable sorts known as American and English Labs. 

American Labs are reproduced for the field, with a littler edge and a solid drive for recovering. English Labs are reared for the show ring, with an expansive head and an eager people-focussed nature. 

The normal life expectancy of a dark Labrador is 12 years, and your little guy could live much longer given the correct eating routine, practice and a solid portion of karma.

Where Do BLACK LABRADOR Come From ?

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Did you know, the primary Labradors were reared from a now wiped out breed known as the St John's Water Dog. 
This breed was likewise in all likelihood the course of the fairly unique, and greater, Newfoundland. 
This current angler's friend had a thick coat and looked somewhat like a cross between a Border Collie and the advanced Labrador we know and love.
How is the BLACK LABRADOR color Inherited in Labs? 
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Do you ever feel like you see more dark Labs around than some other shading? That is on the grounds that you do! 
The principal chocolate Labradors that we are aware of were conceived during the 1890s, yet hues other than dark were not in any way mainstream until the mid 90s. 
Awfully, for some ages most pups brought into the world with chocolate or yellow coats were routinely euthanized during childbirth! 
But then those different shades endured, in spite of dark being what is referred to in hereditary qualities as 'prevailing'.
Black Labrador versus chocolate labs 
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In the event that you aren't a devotee of hereditary qualities, turn away at this point! In the event that you are, at that point here's the bare essential. 
We'll begin by taking a gander at Black versus Chocolate Lab coat hues. 
Wonderful dark lab sitting tight for their lord 
These both originate from a shade called eumelanin. More eumelanin prompts a dark Lab, less prompts a chocolate. 
On the off chance that you push your mind back to secondary school hereditary qualities, you'll recollect that hereditary guidelines can be portrayed by letters. 
Qualities come two by two. Here we are managing B qualities at the B locus. 
B qualities incorporate a major 'B', for loads of eumelanin giving dark, and a bit 'b' for less eumelanin, giving darker. 
B is predominant over b. So a blending of BB or Bb will give a dark coat. Just bb will give a dark colored coat. 
A doggy gets one quality from each parent. 
Also, that is the way we can get dark Labs tossing chocolate young doggies, as though they each have a passive 'b' quality, so are Bb themselves, they can conceivably meet up in the little guy as bb. 
With me up until this point? 
Truly? Fantastic! Since this is the place it gets somewhat increasingly confused… 
Since in inconsistency to what we've recently observed, BB and Bb aren't in actuality constantly dark, and bb isn't constantly darker. 
This is on the grounds that these qualities are likewise affected by another arrangement of qualities, at the E locus.
Popularity of BLACK LABRADOR
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Dark Labs have consistently been the most common shading, yet their prevalence has changed throughout the years. 
Cherishing and adorable, the dark lab is constantly prepared for a game! 
In the wearing canine network proprietors of chasing hounds still regularly favor the dark coat, yet pet and show proprietors frequently show an inclination nowadays for the paler hues. 
Chocolate and yellow Labs can even get more significant expenses from certain reproducers, also the less regular fox red and silver tones.
BLACK LABRADOR characteristics
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In spite of the fact that there is no denying that the distinctive Labrador strains have isolated to a reasonable sensational degree, these are still all on a very basic level dark Labs. 
What's more, they do share a few highlights practically speaking that makes them what their identity is. 
The Lab has a twofold coat, great for keeping them warm all through the water. What's more, that is a region where they exceed expectations, not least because of their astounding webbed paws! 
Their thick straight tail is portrayed as having an otter-like appearance, and they are practically every one of the one single shading with no different markings. 
Mismarked Labs back their heads now and again, yet this is commonly only an instance of white toes or a sprinkle of white on their chests.
Thanks for visiting our website and information about  BLACK LABRADOR

All about German Shepherd (appearance, history,care)

All about German Shepherd (appearance, history,care) 

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  • Short information about German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dogs can stand as high as 26 inches at the shoulder and, when viewed in outline, presents a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles.The German Shepherd Dog is one of America’s most popular dog breeds—for good reason.The breed was officially known as the Alsatian in the UK from after the First World War until 1977 when its name was changed back to German Shepherd.

  • Appearance
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German Shepherds are medium to large-sized dogs.The breed standard height at the withers is 60–65 cm (24–26 in) for males, and 55–60 cm (22–24 in) for females. German Shepherds are longer than they are tall, with an ideal proportion of 10 to ​8 1⁄2. German Shepherd has a long neck, which is raised when excited and lowered when moving at a fast pace. The tail is bushy and reaches to the hock.The German Shepherd has a double coat, which is comprised of a thick undercoat and a dense, slightly wavy or straight outer coat. Its hair, usually tan and black, or red and black in color, is medium in length and is shed all year round. Other rarer color variations include all-Black, all-White, liver and blue(166)

  • History
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The German Shepherd breed over the years has served in many different capacities: police dog, guide dog, guard dog, war dog, explosives- and narcotics-detecting dog, search-and-rescue dog, show dog, and most notably as a shepherding dog. Developed primarily for the purpose of guarding and herding a shepherd's flocks, there have been few other breeds with such a versatile repertoire.There is some debate as to how much wolf is actually a part of the German Shepherd breed. It was said that Horan was part wolf, and that Stephanitz used wolves in the crossbreeding. In Stephanitz's stud book there are four entires for wolf crosses at different points in the breed's development.In 2018, a genetic study found that just prior to 1859 a broadly distributed European herding dog had given rise to the German Shepherd, the French Berger Picard, and the five Italian herding breeds.

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During the 1850s, attempts were being made to standardize dog breeds.Horand became the center-point of the breeding programs and was bred with dogs belonging to other society members that displayed desirable traits and with dogs from Thuringia, Franconia and Wurttemberg. Fathering many pups, Horand's most successful was Hektor von Schwaben. Eventually, the appendage "wolf dog" was dropped.

  • care
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German shepherds are large and active dogs that are highly intelligent and loyal companions. They require thoughtful care and consistent training in order to live long and happy lives.You can feed your German shepherd dry or wet food, or a combination of both.
If you choose to feed your German shepherd homemade meals, it's important to talk to your veterinarian about what they need to include. This will help ensure that the dog will get a balanced diet.
Try to resist giving your dog table scraps, especially if it is begging for them. People food can be unhealthy for the dog and can impact its interest in its healthy food.
There are also specific formulas you may need to consider at some point, for example, special foods for large breeds or weight control food for overweight dogs.
Talk to your vet about what food will work best for your dog. Because your vet will understand your specific dog's health issues, they may want it to get specific nutritional needs met.

average price :INR rs10,000 to 70,000
 average price: USD  $8,00 to $1,500

All about Rajapalayam


  • Short information about Rajapalayam dog

                     Image result for rajapalayam dog

The Rajapalayam also known as Poligar hound. Postage stamps were issued on 9th January 2005 by Indian government. Rajapalayam lives an average life of 20 years with most of cases having 26 age as maximum age.

AVERAGE PRICE IN INDIA₹5,000 to ₹10,000

  • Appearance 

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It is a large sized dog usually measures up to 65-75 cm. It is a hound and therefore should be kept in optimum working condition.Its facial structure is considerably different from than caravan hound. It is mainly a hunting dog. The tail has a sight curl. The most prized colour is milky white, with pink nose and golden eyes. the coat is single, short and fine. It is extremely handsome and graceful dog.

  • History

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Rajapalayam hounds were primarily breaded and used by Chola, dynasty. The  Rajapalayam dog was used during the wars and the polygar war to attack the British in the battle as Rajapalayam is very fast in running, strong and aggressive in in attacking the opponents. It is also believed that 4 hounds kill a tiger to save his master's life

Indian Pariah dog

    Indian pariah dog

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        • Short description about Indian pariah dog.

        The Indian pariah dog is an Indian breed. It is also known as the south Asian pye dogs and desi dogs. Most of the India street dogs in the Indian subcontinent area in fact Indian pye dogs. The Indian pariah is named in British era.

        AVERAGE PRICE IN INDIA₹4,000 to ₹7,000

        • Appearance
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          It is a medium sized dog. It has a double coat with  a coarse upper coat and a soft undercoat.The mostly observed colours are brown, reddish brown, white. The head is medium sized and wedge  shaped. The muzzle is pointed and is of equal or slightly greater length than head. The eyes are almond shaped and dark brown in colour. The ears are held erect and are pointed at the tips, the tail is curled. 

          • History 

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          The pariah dog in India is an ancient dog which is found  all over India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. The Indian pye dog was introduced in the Andaman island with the establishment of penal colony. 


          • health

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          Being a naturally evolved breed, they have a very few health concerns and thrives with maintenance in suitable climate. The skin  needs very little grooming and the dog themselves are relatively clean. Most of the deaths occurs due to accidents on road and railways, not getting food or drinking polluted water, getting  by humans.