indian breeds

Indian Pariah dog

March 14, 2020 anand r purohit 0 Comments

    Indian pariah dog

        Image result for pariah dog price
        • Short description about Indian pariah dog.

        The Indian pariah dog is an Indian breed. It is also known as the south Asian pye dogs and desi dogs. Most of the India street dogs in the Indian subcontinent area in fact Indian pye dogs. The Indian pariah is named in British era.

        AVERAGE PRICE IN INDIA₹4,000 to ₹7,000

        • Appearance
        Image result for indian pariah dog

          It is a medium sized dog. It has a double coat with  a coarse upper coat and a soft undercoat.The mostly observed colours are brown, reddish brown, white. The head is medium sized and wedge  shaped. The muzzle is pointed and is of equal or slightly greater length than head. The eyes are almond shaped and dark brown in colour. The ears are held erect and are pointed at the tips, the tail is curled. 

          • History 

          Image result for indian pariah dog ancient

          The pariah dog in India is an ancient dog which is found  all over India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. The Indian pye dog was introduced in the Andaman island with the establishment of penal colony. 


          • health

          Image result for indian pariah dog health

          Being a naturally evolved breed, they have a very few health concerns and thrives with maintenance in suitable climate. The skin  needs very little grooming and the dog themselves are relatively clean. Most of the deaths occurs due to accidents on road and railways, not getting food or drinking polluted water, getting  by humans.