German Shepherd

All about German Shepherd (appearance, history,care)

March 16, 2020 anand r purohit 0 Comments

All about German Shepherd (appearance, history,care) 

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  • Short information about German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dogs can stand as high as 26 inches at the shoulder and, when viewed in outline, presents a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles.The German Shepherd Dog is one of America’s most popular dog breeds—for good reason.The breed was officially known as the Alsatian in the UK from after the First World War until 1977 when its name was changed back to German Shepherd.

  • Appearance
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German Shepherds are medium to large-sized dogs.The breed standard height at the withers is 60–65 cm (24–26 in) for males, and 55–60 cm (22–24 in) for females. German Shepherds are longer than they are tall, with an ideal proportion of 10 to ​8 1⁄2. German Shepherd has a long neck, which is raised when excited and lowered when moving at a fast pace. The tail is bushy and reaches to the hock.The German Shepherd has a double coat, which is comprised of a thick undercoat and a dense, slightly wavy or straight outer coat. Its hair, usually tan and black, or red and black in color, is medium in length and is shed all year round. Other rarer color variations include all-Black, all-White, liver and blue(166)

  • History
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The German Shepherd breed over the years has served in many different capacities: police dog, guide dog, guard dog, war dog, explosives- and narcotics-detecting dog, search-and-rescue dog, show dog, and most notably as a shepherding dog. Developed primarily for the purpose of guarding and herding a shepherd's flocks, there have been few other breeds with such a versatile repertoire.There is some debate as to how much wolf is actually a part of the German Shepherd breed. It was said that Horan was part wolf, and that Stephanitz used wolves in the crossbreeding. In Stephanitz's stud book there are four entires for wolf crosses at different points in the breed's development.In 2018, a genetic study found that just prior to 1859 a broadly distributed European herding dog had given rise to the German Shepherd, the French Berger Picard, and the five Italian herding breeds.

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During the 1850s, attempts were being made to standardize dog breeds.Horand became the center-point of the breeding programs and was bred with dogs belonging to other society members that displayed desirable traits and with dogs from Thuringia, Franconia and Wurttemberg. Fathering many pups, Horand's most successful was Hektor von Schwaben. Eventually, the appendage "wolf dog" was dropped.

  • care
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German shepherds are large and active dogs that are highly intelligent and loyal companions. They require thoughtful care and consistent training in order to live long and happy lives.You can feed your German shepherd dry or wet food, or a combination of both.
If you choose to feed your German shepherd homemade meals, it's important to talk to your veterinarian about what they need to include. This will help ensure that the dog will get a balanced diet.
Try to resist giving your dog table scraps, especially if it is begging for them. People food can be unhealthy for the dog and can impact its interest in its healthy food.
There are also specific formulas you may need to consider at some point, for example, special foods for large breeds or weight control food for overweight dogs.
Talk to your vet about what food will work best for your dog. Because your vet will understand your specific dog's health issues, they may want it to get specific nutritional needs met.

average price :INR rs10,000 to 70,000
 average price: USD  $8,00 to $1,500